Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thank you for writing, and please write some more!

It's always wonderful to hear from friends who have read the Journal. Sometimes people don't even know that *I* am the brains behind it! But when you have such a formidable brain as mine (and when I'm not running calculations about mass and energy and the caloric content of cream cheese), you are bound to have an eggggsellent publication percolating.

Soooo, tell me here. What is working for you about the journal? What is not working for you? What would you like to know more about? What letter to the editor would you like to write right here?

Why not get writing? Please subscribe and follow us and all of that social media yada yada! Have you found us on Facebook yet? Please do! Have you found CPFA?

Even more important, have you JOINED CPFA? Remember, our journal helps educate legislators about the contingent faculty condition. Your dues and some advertisements are all that finance distribution from 45,000 to 55,000 readers. We must also somehow finance trips to Sacramento to lobby for your cause. Please help . . . join now!

Fond regards,

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